VIEW: Thandi Loewenson, On the Ether of Black Struggle

On Ether: Attuning to Black Struggle in and of the Air
Thandi Loewenson, Royal College of Art
Thursday, August 5, 2021

CLICK HERE to watch the performance lecture.

“We encounter the atmospheric conditions of liberation, conjured through smoke, thickening of air and airwaves, and aided by unfamiliar voices and mystical birds.” Unfolding through drawings, footage of ash and smoke, cinematic critiques of racial capitalism, and the errantly asthmatic lungs of a “born-free daughter of the soil,” this performance-based video contends with the role of the air in the imaginary of black liberation.

Watch the performance lecture above, and view the discussion by CLICKING HERE.

Architectural designer and researcher Thandi Loewenson works with design, fiction, and performance to interrogate our perceived and lived realms, and to speculate on the possible worlds in our midst. A tutor at the Royal College of Art in London, she engages in projects that mobilize the “weird” and “tender,” and motivate communities, policymakers, artists and architects to act on these provocations. Loewenson is a co-curator of Race, Space, and Architecture, and a co-foundress of the architectural research collectives BREAK//LINE and Fiction, Feeling, Frame.

The latest in our 2021 monthly series on Race, Ecology, and Design.

Will there be a recording for this?? I really want to watch live but have work during that time.

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Yes, absolutely, we will record and post the recording, as we’ve been doing for all these seminars each month.

Thank you all who came, and who will engage with the work to come - I’m grateful for these opportunities to discuss these evolving and collectively hewn ideas. If you watch the work after, I would love to hear your thoughts and would be happy to answer questions too. Viva Ecological Design Collective!

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