SDP 2021-2022 Week 23: Developing Consciousness

We’re quickly coming to the end of the semester, but that does not mean that our work is even close to being over. This is an on-going process, once that requires both a physical and spiritual commitment to the work we’re doing.

The Institutional Track is working to promote zero-waste on campus via tabeling and an upcoming May 6th Reclaiming event meant to gather all the different constituencies centering around zero-waste. The Community and Development track continue their engagement with the Rotunda and the SBCLT to uphold and push for the community principles as set out by the SBCLT.

We also spent the week working on a video outlining the work our practicum has been doing all year and what we believe people should know about the zero-waste movement. The video is now live on Vimeo, and informs the viewer about the vision for a resource park, the community principles, and the current state of affairs in terms of our project.

The week culminated in two events on Friday. In the afternoon, students tabled to expand the presence of the Post-Landfill Action Network, passing out flyers, and participating in Earth Day events. In the evening, members of our practicum joined Baltimore Broken Glass and The South Baltimore Community Land Trust in an Earth Day event. Baltimore Broken Glass had an exhibit of some of their work, and individuals at the event made posters and recorded testimonials about what the five community standards meant to them. Marvin Hayes from the Compost Collective also performed a poem inspired by Broken Glass and the zero-waste movement.

Moving forward, we’re committing our energy to make sure the work sustains over the summer into the autumn, as well make sure that PLAN remains a presence on campus. This is work that does not have a definite end, nor should it, so we remain committed to working toward the goal of zero-waste in Baltimore, and the community principles outlined. Baltimore deserves this mutual future, and we all have a part to play in actualizing it.

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