SDP 2021-2022 Week 22 : Ideation >>Prototyping

This week, the three teams began zeroing in on tasks and taking first steps towards ideating specific action items to move each track along. With the end of our practicum timeline approaching, it was essential to prioritize ideas to get a sense of what capacity and scope each team can reasonably accomplish. We want to put our efforts towards ideas that will have lasting impact and find ways to pass this baton along after our time ends.

The Institutional-focused team reported successful intercampus PLAN meetings which will continue to develop a sustainable stream of momentum and collaboration with students and institutions on zero-waste. They also met with Hopkins Admin and are continuing to strengthen those lines of communication and relationship.

The Community Team took a field trip to the Rotunda to begin fostering a collaboration among local businesses and residents there as a case study that can be hopefully be replicated in other community hubs.

The Development Track had continued meetings with SBCLT in order to prioritize and focus their efforts on supporting the full scope of future development. Beyond securing commitments of tonnage and seeing a local composting center emerge, it became clear that our shared community agreements and standards for operation need to be at the forefront of our messaging at upcoming events.

As a full group, we discussed possible ways of documenting our practicum process more fully. There seems to be a desire and capacity for some kind of print publication as well as a short video. Tying directly to our weekly reading, our full team is meditating and considering how we will tell this story and our responsibility, our responsiveness, to the encounters we have had along the way.