Life-Centered Design Handbook by Tim McGee


Thank you for sharing @eesha I enjoyed watching this. Iā€™d never heard the terminology of handprint vs. footprint before, which is intriguing to think with. One question that came up for me had to do with the prevalence of evolutionary thinking in the lecture, the idea that certain attractions or associations are natural to us, because of the way that we evolved as a species. It left me wondering about the deep cultural differences one finds with regard to many of the phenomena of natural affinity and design that we encounter, and what it would take to make an adequate space for such cultural difference within the scope of life-centered design.

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Yes! I definitely wondered what contextual sensitivity might look like in such a case. I think I find myself stripping back to the 3 guiding questions they asked:
How might our designs build with nature?
How might handprints outweigh our footprint?
How might our designs engage our evolved senses?
I find it intriguing that these were the 3 questions they asked, I wondered how different questions would change the scope of the design process, and how these questions are being chosen.

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