9/15/21 Zero Waste Outreach Training

The Ecological Design Collective is partnering with the South Baltimore Community Land Trust to support their work for a Zero Waste future and Development without Displacement in Baltimore. We have a team of faculty and students working on this initiative this year, and we invite you to join us!

Baltimore’s Zero Waste Coalition is working to develop alternatives to the “burn and bury” strategy that has had such serious effects on air quality and environmental health in the city, most especially for poor residents of color in South Baltimore. The coalition is working to build local compost infrastructure in the city and take food out of the waste stream, healing the soil and breaking the reliance on toxic trash burning, in a manner that supports the community, protects labor, and ensures sustainability.

Nearly 100,000 tons of food waste are thrown out in the city each year, and our universities like Johns Hopkins are a major institutional source of food waste. Recently, Baltimore City started a food scrap drop-off program as a step towards taking organics out of the waste stream, in response to years of community action for progress on Zero Waste. This program is a good start, and we are stepping up to make it even stronger. Together we can build upon new Zero Waste efforts and ensure that all residents and institutions can compost their food scraps locally.

Join us next Wednesday, Sept 15th 2.30pm-4:00pm for an outreach training session to learn more about the zero waste campaign and how you can get involved.

To attend this session, or to receive updates more generally on this campaign, register via this link. The training session will take place on the Johns Hopkins Homewood campus, and we will share the location with those who register. Please keep in mind that face masks and vaccination are required Covid protocols on the JHU campus. Remote participation is also possible.

Thank you!