6/18/21 Pop-Up Gallery + Baltimore Gathering

As our collective evolves, we’ve been thinking about how to showcase the ideas and imagination of individual members of this network, which now extends to many places. Join us this Friday, June 18th from 3-5pm EDT for an experiment of this kind: a hybrid pop-up gallery experience, and an outdoor gathering in Baltimore.

Chesapeake folks, join us in Wyman Park Dell near Charles Village in Baltimore. Look for the white geodesic dome, which we’ll use as a collective gallery space. Consider bringing something visual or tangible to share: some recent work of yours, a found object with an interesting story, a photo or sketch, a sound recording, anything that inspires or embodies the ecological work you do.

If nothing worth sharing comes to mind, no worries, come anyway! Kids and pets welcome, and feel free to bring a camp chair or picnic blanket if you’d like. Let us know you’re “Going” by clicking on that button above.

People elsewhere, this will be a hybrid event, here’s how to join us. Log in to your EDC account and find the “Gallery” channel on our Commons. We’ll make sure to post images here of everything that people bring, and you are encouraged to post your own things and images from afar. We’ll have a digital station on site in Baltimore to facilitate interaction. Let’s see how this goes!

One pandemic-related note. We will work to ensure that the physical event keeps to public health necessities. We ask that everyone commit to taking all appropriate precautions to keep ourselves and others safe and well: to monitor health and attend only in the absence of any covid-related symptoms, to wear a facial covering whenever needed, to maintain appropriate physical distance, to wash and sanitize hands, and to follow Baltimore City and other relevant health guidance.


Hi all! Unfortunately I’m out of town tomorrow, but I had a fantastic time meeting everyone last time and look forward to upcoming events!

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Good to hear from you, thanks, and hope to see you again soon!