5/5/22 Spring meetup and a zero waste art workshop

Spring is here, come join us for a meetup of the Ecological Design Collective!

Baltimore Broken Glass is a youth-owned business from south Baltimore turning wasted glass into beautiful artwork. They aim to “build beauty from the pieces of a broken system, by creating jobs reusing and recycling instead of burning, burying and extracting earth’s precious natural resources.”

Please join us this Thursday, May 5th, 4-6pm EST, on the Wyman Quad of the Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus for an outdoor spring gathering of the EDC, and a workshop with Baltimore Broken Glass. Look out for our white geodesic dome, on the grass in front of Shriver Hall.


Come take a look at some of the amazing pieces made by these young artists of Baltimore, and take part in a hands-on craft workshop turning pieces of broken glass into small works of art. If you’re based in Baltimore, we’d love to see you and say hello! If you live elsewhere, please join us from a distance by looking at and possibly supporting the work of Baltimore Broken Glass.

Over the last year, we’ve been collaborating with the South Baltimore Community Land Trust on the campaign to build a zero waste future for Baltimore. Students and faculty in our Sustainable Design Practicum have been working hard on this collective effort, as we’ve documented in this recent video. Hopkins students have formed a Post-Landfill Action Network chapter in collaboration with students at other local institutions, and are looking for more student allies to join them, please consider signing on!

Many local educational institutions have begun to signal their support for this campaign, which envisions the creation of an alternative waste infrastructure in south Baltimore developed and led together by city government, anchor institutions, and local community organizations. Community leaders are rightly insist on standards to safeguard residents, workers, and the local environment.

Join us on Thursday to celebrate the progress made so far, and to think with us about how to make this vision of truly fair and collaborative development a reality. Working together, we can envision and build infrastructure to reduce social and environmental harm in cities as unequal as ours, and promote more sustainable, just, and equitable pathways to the future.

Looking forward to seeing you, and happy spring!
