5/21/21 Baltimore City Outdoor Meetup

Dome in Garden

Baltimore city folks, drop by on Friday, May 21 from 1-2pm to meet some of us in person for a small, outdoor gathering. We will be meeting in Wyman Park Dell near Charles Village in Baltimore. Look for the white geodesic dome, and feel free to bring a camp chair if you’d like.

A pandemic-related note. We will be monitoring numbers carefully to ensure that the event keeps to public health necessities. We ask that everyone commit to taking all appropriate precautions to keep ourselves and others safe and well: to monitor health and attend only in the absence of any covid-related symptoms, to wear a facial covering whenever needed during the event, to maintain appropriate physical distance, to wash and sanitize hands, and to follow Baltimore City and other relevant health guidance on the proper limitations of social gatherings.

I was wondering if it would be OK tomorrow if I were to bring along my (well-behaved) dog. She would like the walk. She is great with people, although can be a little grumpy with other dogs. I understand if people are uncomfortable around dogs, though, for allergies or other reasons.

Yes definitely not a problem at all!